Saturday, November 17, 2007

First Post

The interesting thing about being a writer is getting advice on being a writer. In all the years I've been a writer, I've read books, essays, blurbs, etc about being a writer and no two people agree. Some say you should write every day, other says when you can. Write about what you know, write whatever comes to you. The advice is endless.
So what I'll be doing here is filtering. Going through online "writer's blogs" and presenting the information here as easily as I can.
To begin with (for all the people who want to be published) is an article by Chris Webb Executive Editor for John Wiley and Sons, entitled "Five Ways to get me to quickly reject your book proposal."
Honestly, what it boils down to is be professional. There's nothing better for you to than to be professional. It doesn't matter if your book is about living in the woods and growing pot, the people you are trying to sell your book to are business men (and women).
Next time: National Novel Writing Month (Maybe)

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